Beverly Hills, CA (MMD Newswire) August 4, 2011 -- Prince Gharios is no ordinary Prince. For the past ten years, he has remained quiet and in the back shadows of entertainment, with his first priority being an advocate for democracy, while reclaiming his family's royal legacy, "The Kingdom of Ghassan," (An Arab Christian nation.) After years of choosing to be under the radar, Prince Gharios has now emerged, after quietly pursuing his passion for acting, by appearing in several commercial, television programs and movies in Brazil using a pseudonym.
Fast forward to the present, Prince Gharios has now arrived in Hollywood, and is ready to make some noise! For beneath his armor, is an action packed resume, full of excitement, and intrigue.
He can compete as an expert martial artists, on the same level as other Hollywood favorites, including: Jean Claude Van Dam, Jet Li, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and newcomer Jason Statham. He started in Judo at the age of four, and today, is a 4th Degree of Black belt in Aikido and also holds black belts in Karate and Kobudo. For five years, Prince Gharios trained with Martial arts Master Steven Seagal, who is an actual master of Aikido and other martial arts.
Quote PG: "I wanted to train with Steven Seagal because in the Aikido world he's reputed to be one of the best. What I learned was a very effective and real method that I still use in my practice."
But Prince Gharios' Martial arts and acting interests don't stop there. He has several Doctorate degrees, is classically trained in Shakespeare, is a professional singer in 5 languages, and even writes some of the movies he would like to appear in.
Quote PG: "I strongly believe the veterans like Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone have paved the way for newcomers like me, they are "the masters" of the genre. That there is a new generation of incredible actors who are trying to follow their footsteps which isn't an easy task..."
So for Prince Gharios who has been incognito up until this point, and who has also refrained from using his title for "special leverage," he has definitely paid his dues, and is now ready to hit the big screen!
For more information on Prince Gharios, please visit
H.I.R.H. holds a Strictu Sensu Doctorate in Canon/Nobility Law, a PhD. in Religious Philosophy (specialized in Christian Philosophy and Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy), also many Honoris Causa Doctoratesand works in the Entertainment business as actor, director, producer, musician, writer, etc. He's a proud member of the SATED (SAG Equity in Brazil) and the AFTRA - American Federation of Television and Radio Artistsin the U.S. and currently lives in exile between his two residences in Los Angeles- CA - USAand in Curitiba, Brazil. From Show Businesscame the need of a "stage name" and the Prince took his grandfather's, Maurice (Mauricio in Portuguese) once he supposed to be baptized as "Mauricio Mansur Guerios The Grandson", but his father rather to give him the name "AlNu'man" ("Ahnume" in Portuguese - which means "the one with Royal blood" - he's the 8th with this name among the Ghassanid Sovereigns).
He is also an international well known master of Martial Arts, holding the 4th Degree of Black-Belt in Aikido issued by the Aikido Headquarters in Japan (was direct disciple of the movie starand master Steven Seagal) and also holds black-belts in Karate and Kobudo (Japanese weapons). Also practiced Judo, Kung Fu, Jiu-jitsu and KaliSilat.
H.I.R.H. Prince Gharios of Ghassan, Al-Nu'Man VIII (Ahnume Guérios, Dr. PhD.)
Contact: (818) 314-4097 Wendy Wheaton,