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Cloud Ten Plans Big Budget Left Behind Remake


October 14, 2010 (MMD Newswire) -- The wait is over! Loyal fans who have been waiting five years for the next LEFT BEHIND film, will be thrilled by the news that Cloud Ten has re-gained its rights to continue their LEFT BEHIND film series franchise.

In the summer of 2008, Cloud Ten announced that it had optioned film rights back to the authors of the popular Left Behind book series and put the development of the next film on hold. As of October 1, 2010 the rights to the LEFT BEHIND film series have officially been restored to the inspirational film company, Cloud Ten Pictures.

There's even bigger news! Cloud Ten Pictures plans on producing a big-budget, wide theatrical release based on the ground-breaking original LEFT BEHIND novel.

Cloud Ten couldn't be more excited and has already begun developing a script and compiling the team for this high-profile film.

"This is definitely an exciting time, not just for Cloud Ten, but for the entire Christian filmmaking industry. We're remaking the original LEFT BEHIND movie at the true Hollywood 'blockbuster' level that a message like this deserves, with top level cast, writers, and production from the word 'go'. This is the movie that Christians have been hoping for and I can hardly wait to get it going," declared Cloud Ten Pictures' Founder and CEO, Paul Lalonde.

LEFT BEHIND: THE MOVIE, LEFT BEHIND II: TRIBULATION FORCE and LEFT BEHIND: WORLD AT WAR, starring Kirk Cameron and Brad Johnson, were all previously produced and released by Cloud Ten Pictures and have sold over 10 million copies worldwide. LEFT BEHIND: WORLD AT WAR, co-produced by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, was released to over 3,200 churches on a single opening weekend, exceeding the number of venues met by even the biggest Hollywood Blockbusters at that time.

The LEFT BEHIND book series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins saw great success on a massive scale - in 1998, the first four books of the series held the top four slots simultaneously, and the total sales for the series have surpassed 65 million copies. The LEFT BEHIND book series established a major benchmark in Christian fiction, and with the continuation of the LEFT BEHIND film series, Cloud Ten Pictures aims to reach and inspire others while relaying the series' important themes on the big screen.

"We're very proud of the previous LEFT BEHIND films. They touched and entertained millions. But just as the books impacted the Christian book industry, and our films the DVD world, we know that the story can have an even bigger impact as a bigger-budget, end-times thriller on the big screen. We can't wait to bring it to audiences all around the world," added André van Heerden, President of Film and Television Production at Cloud Ten Pictures.

Cloud Ten Pictures is currently in the process of assembling financing and distribution for a new LEFT BEHIND movie, and aims to be in production in late 2011.

For more information about Cloud Ten Pictures' investor opportunities and to stay up-to-date on the LEFT BEHIND film series, as well as other exciting projects from Cloud Ten, visit www.cloudtenpictures.com. For media inquiries, call 1-888-684-5561 or email info@cloudtenpictures.com.


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